Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pawlenty Restricts Health Care Money

Pawlenty Restricts Health Care Money

This is what the Republican Party is all about, destroy President Obama and the economy just to get back in power no matter who they hurt.  Are you going to let the Republican Party take us into more wars, higher unemployment, more home foreclosures, higher insurance costs, less services, cut out Social Security altogether, cut out Medicare and Medicaid altogether and much , much more in November?  I hope not and I hope you can see the lies that the Republican Party have been telling over the last ten years which lead us to the collapse of America. President Obama did not make this mess and he has been trying to get it right but the Republican keep disrupting everything to make a better economy for America. 

Remember that changing the way Washington works is not easy because they you not want their benefits taken away and that is just what President has been doing, alittle at a time so the Republicans, Insurance Companies, Wall Street, and the very , very rich are doing everything they can to destroy President Obama.  Don't let them do it.

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