The President said that he wanted the Public Option in the Health Care Reform Bill but now leaves it out. This I am hot happy about because without a Public Option it is not Health Care Reform, period. Health Care costs have gone up and up and up and are going up even more if the Health Care Reform Bill does not have a Public Option. The Public Option is the only way Health Care Costs will be controlled.
This bill came from the Senate Bill which no one like and should on the most part be thrown out and work on the House Bill which was more popular. When this bill starts a lot of people will already be dead, but the bright side of that is that will lower costs in case you are worried about costs. What is more important, money or lives?
This would be a good bill for the insurance companies because they would have you paying the high payments and paying out less because of higher deductibles and covers less for the working people. The higher cost could also cost you more based on your employer dropping your insurance altogether which is not good.
The Ben Nelson Amendment along with the Stupak-Pitts deal is very bad and should not be in the Health Care Reform Bill at all.
The 20% deal for insurance companies is only good for insurance companies.
The mandate to buy insurance should be removed period. I believe that is illegal anyway and the Supreme Court will most likely kick it out. What happens if you lose your job and cannot buy insurance, are you going to jail? Right now there are not enough jobs for people to pay the IRS more money for penalties because they cannot buy insurance.
The Public Option has been and still is the most popular and I just do not understand why Members of Congress just don't get it. Well they get it but they are getting paid by the Insurance Companies to make the Health Care Reform Bill fail. The Republicans main concern is to make the President fail, period, which goes right along with their eight years of service of destroying America with lies, deceit, and disruption.
This bill makes it more important for the drug companies to make more money instead of improving lives of the American people. The drug companies already charge the American people more money for the drugs than they do in other countries. I was reading today that drug companies have found a cure for cancer and because they could not make any money on the drug because it was a natural drug that they have been hiding it for ten years. They say they want to help but that is just another lie.
This Health Care Reform Bill is not Health Care Reform as we were promised. I hope that when it goes on the tube it will have many changes including the Public Option. If this does not work when the Democrats and Republicans are on tube many changes are not made that Harry Reid will force it to a vote without the Republicans. I am tired of the President trying to get the Republicans onboard. All they want to do is have our country fail and that they have done an excellent job.
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