Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 1

Health Care Summit February 25, 2010

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties meet to discuss health reform at the Blair House in Washington, D.C. Opening remarks by President Obama, Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA), and Sen. Harry Reid (NV).

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 2

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties discuss controlling health care costs at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 3

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties discuss reforms to America's health insurance industry. Held at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 4

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties discuss how to reduce the national deficit through health reform. Held at the Blair House in Washington, D.C.

Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform: Part 5

President Obama and Congressional leaders from both parties discuss how to expand health care coverage to Americans who currently lack it.. Held at the Blair House in Washington, D.C

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Health Care Summit

The Health Care Summit clearly sends a message to what the Republicans are really trying to do with the Health Care Reform Bill, make it fail, period. They do not have their fact straight, in other words they are distorting the facts about the Health Care Reform Bill on the table and flat out have no intensions of making a good Health Care Reform Bill. The President have time and time over again has asked the Republicans to work with the Democrats and then the Republicans come out and say that the bill is not By-Partisan. The Health Care Reform Bill that was sitting on the table has over 100 sections that the Republicans started and then refused to vote for. One section the Republicans wanted in the bill and the President like it and then the Republicans wanted out of the bill. Anything that President Obama wants, the Republicans flat out refuse to vote on it no matter what it is. This is why we need to get rid of the Party of No. They hurt everybody and has for the past nine years.

Hard Ball, Christ Matthews breaks down the Health Care Summit.

Health Care in Canadian Way

Now the Health Care Summit was a good way to determine what the "Party of No" the Republicans are really trying to do, make Health Care Reform fail. Here is a clip from MSNBC on Health Care in Canada where the Republicans have been telling the people here in the United States that the Health Care in Canada is very bad and our Health Care here is very good. The Health Care here in the United States is rated as Number 37 for services and Number 1 as the highest costs.

Watch the video clip and see what the Canadians have to say.

The Republicans are not only holding up Health Care Reform that the President has asked for their help, they are also prolonging our country to get back on track with jobs and the economy.  They created all of the problems when the President took office and then they lie, about Health Care Reform and everything that the President does.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Keith Olbermann Special Comment

Keith Olbermann talks abot the struggles of his father and asks you to talk to your love ones before it is too late.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Keith Olbermann Calling out Republicans on Health Care Refrom

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Rachel Maddow calls out the Republicans Lies

How do the Republicans want the Presiodent to fail?  Just check out the lies being told!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

President Obama Health Care Reform Plan and the Republicans

The President said that he wanted the Public Option in the Health Care Reform Bill but now leaves it out. This I am hot happy about because without a Public Option it is not Health Care Reform, period. Health Care costs have gone up and up and up and are going up even more if the Health Care Reform Bill does not have a Public Option. The Public Option is the only way Health Care Costs will be controlled.
This bill came from the Senate Bill which no one like and should on the most part be thrown out and work on the House Bill which was more popular. When this bill starts a lot of people will already be dead, but the bright side of that is that will lower costs in case you are worried about costs. What is more important, money or lives?
This would be a good bill for the insurance companies because they would have you paying the high payments and paying out less because of higher deductibles and covers less for the working people. The higher cost could also cost you more based on your employer dropping your insurance altogether which is not good.
The Ben Nelson Amendment along with the Stupak-Pitts deal is very bad and should not be in the Health Care Reform Bill at all.

The 20% deal for insurance companies is only good for insurance companies.
The mandate to buy insurance should be removed period. I believe that is illegal anyway and the Supreme Court will most likely kick it out. What happens if you lose your job and cannot buy insurance, are you going to jail? Right now there are not enough jobs for people to pay the IRS more money for penalties because they cannot buy insurance.
The Public Option has been and still is the most popular and I just do not understand why Members of Congress just don't get it. Well they get it but they are getting paid by the Insurance Companies to make the Health Care Reform Bill fail. The Republicans main concern is to make the President fail, period, which goes right along with their eight years of service of destroying America with lies, deceit, and disruption.
This bill makes it more important for the drug companies to make more money instead of improving lives of the American people. The drug companies already charge the American people more money for the drugs than they do in other countries. I was reading today that drug companies have found a cure for cancer and because they could not make any money on the drug because it was a natural drug that they have been hiding it for ten years. They say they want to help but that is just another lie.

This Health Care Reform Bill is not Health Care Reform as we were promised. I hope that when it goes on the tube it will have many changes including the Public Option. If this does not work when the Democrats and Republicans are on tube many changes are not made that Harry Reid will force it to a vote without the Republicans. I am tired of the President trying to get the Republicans onboard. All they want to do is have our country fail and that they have done an excellent job.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The impact of the Recovery Act that the Republicans Voted No on.

Weekly Address: Premiums, Profits, and the Need for Health Reform

The President has asked the Republicans to come February 25, 2010 and debate the Health Care Reform and try to create a solution to the Health Care Problem again.  This time on National TV so we can find out if the Republicans are going to even try to solve a very badly needed problem.  He has pointed out the raising costs of Health Care Insurance is a problem even if you have Health Care Insurance just in case you think that you do not need Health Care Reform.

Weekly Address: Premiums, Profits, and the Need for Health Reform

Thursday, February 18, 2010

George LeMieux on Military Efforts In

U.S. Senator George LeMieux (R-FL) discusses U.S. military efforts in Afghanistan and his recent trip to Haiti.
George LeMieux, a Republican, agrees that President Obama’s strategy for the war is working. I give George LeMieux credit for noticing that the President’s game plan is working but that is not enough.
Even though George LeMieux is agreeing with the President that does not mean that George LeMieux has been doing a good job for the State of Florida. I have contacted George LeMieux’s office about the corruption in Florida and I have been promised at least 6 times that someone would contact me and they never have. That was because some of the Corruption has to do with his friend the Governor Charlie Crist and others that have been running the State of Florida.
The only reason that George LeMieux has the Senate Job was because he has no intensions of running for the next election and he was appointed by his friend Charlie Crist to replace Mel Martinez when he retired. The appointment of George LeMieux to the Senate was to help Charlie Crist win the Senate Seat next election which was not a good reason for a replacement.

Well, Charlie Crist has done a poor job running the State of Florida and helping the people of Florida. I have e-mailed, called his office about the corruption in Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami along with the Department of Hotels and he has done nothing. With the results of nothing is almost the same when it comes to managing the State of Florida. The Republicans do not want to help the people that they represent and so for this reason we need to “Fire the Party of No”.

Debbie Wasserman talks Wall Street

Debbie Wasserman talks Wall Street

Rep. Wasserman Schultz talks with MSNBC's Keith Olbermann about how Republicans are working with big banks to block efforts to reform Wall Street

Monday, February 15, 2010

Obama on Health Care Reform

The lies that have been started by the Republican Party have confused many people and needs to be straightened out. Here is the President clearing up the lies and misconduct of the Republican Party.

The President on the National Budget

Ten years ago the National Budget was in very good shape then Bush and his gang, along with the Republican Party, destroyed that and our country. The Republicans are blaming everything that they did for the eight years that they were in office on President Obama. The deficit, the unemployment, high cost of insurance, Wall Street collapse, Auto Industry collapse, and everything thing that they can think of is the fault of President Obama. He has only been in office just a little over a year, so how can all of the problems be the President's? It can't and never was of his doings as the Republicans claim.
It is time to follow out President and get rid of the people that are obstructing our progress. The Party of No, the Republicans have got to go this next election.
You can hear President Obama on his weekly address on the National Budget which, I hope, will prevent any other Congress do what Bush and his gang did.

In all of President Obama messages have been basically the same giving the same honest game plan that he has had coming into office, Make Change, and I think that he has been doing a good job overall. He will make mistakes, but his heart is in the place, make America the greatest country on this planet.

Rachel Maddow Stuns Rep. Aaron Schock By Calling Out His Spending Hypocrisy (VIDEO)

Aaron Schock, a Republican, is not telling the truth. He disgusts me like all the rest of the Republicans. He should just flat out resign. He said that the President do not work with the Republicans. It is the other way around, the Republicans will not work with the President and the Democratic Party, but they will take credit for the money that they voted no for. He says the American People does not want the Health Care Reform Bill when in fact that the majority of the people do want the Health Care Reform Bill with a very strong Public Option. Poll after poll clearly states that the American People want and need the Public Option in the Health Care Reform Bill. The Republicans have been lying so much that they believe the lies that they have started. Listen to Rachel Maddow call out Aaron Schock on Health Care Reform and the Stimulus Plan that he voted no for.
Rachel Maddow Stuns Rep. Aaron Schock By Calling Out His Spending Hypocrisy (VIDEO)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Party of "No"

The Party of "No"

The Results of the "No Party"

Give Thanks to the Republicans for the Insurance Rate Increase. The Republicans have disrupted Health Care Reform, lied about its contents, and don't believe that they are killing people with their misconduct.

The first week of February Melanie Shouse died a devoted MoveOn Council leader in St. Louis and tireless health care advocate, passed away after a battle with breast cancer.

Melanie was a true fighter. While she was involved in many issues with MoveOn, she always said health care was her heart—and even after treatments began; she came to every single health care rally, speaking out about the injustices she was suffering under our broken health care system.

Melanie's story is a painful reminder of why we need to fight as hard as we can to get real health care reform passed, now. The Republicans and the insurance companies “Just Don’t Care”. What they care about is to make the President and our country fail, period.

Ever since February of 2009 the Republican Party when President Obama has a plan to create or save 3 million jobs, did you hear what Rush Limbaugh said? "I hope he fails."1 Limbaugh might just get his way: he already helped convince every single House Republican to vote against the bill.

The Republicans stood behind Rush Limbaugh and have voted against Health Care Reform, have lied about Health Care Reform, and have disrupted Health Care Reform along with disrupting the Jobs Bill of getting America back on track for Jobs. The Wars, the Stimulus, Jobs and Health Care Reform all have been destroyed by the Republican Party. The Republicans destroyed this country by running us into the ground when they were in power by getting us into two wars, (which the American people were lied to and should not have ever been in), creating the largest financial collapse almost of all times, creating more unemployment of more than 25 years, and then voting against anything that would help the country and depleting our National Deficit.

Now it is time to “Fire the Party of “No” in the next election coming up in November 2010.

The Party of "No" On Health Care Reform

Ed Schultz got it right on the Health Care Reform when he went to Connecticut to cover a Free Health Care Clinic given in Joe Lieberman State of Connecticut in Hartford. I totally agree with Ed Schultz on this issue. The Republicans have gone out of their way to lie, disrupt, and destroy the Health Care Reform that is badly needed here in the United States. The Health Care Reform Bill is needed and wanted by the majority of the people here in the United States but the Republicans that are paid and bought by the Insurance Companies. The Insurance are spending two million dollars a day to defeat the “Public Option” in which they have raised premiums a few months ago and again last week in California by 30 to 40 percent.

The Republicans have told everyone that the President was creating a ‘Death Panel” which is not true which help the real Republican Cause disrupt the Health Care Reform Bill and make President Obama Fail. Making the President Fail is bad for you, me and our country. This is not an option, period. It time to get rid of the Republicans that are in office before they totally destroy our country. They did a very good job at that for the past nine years.

Even though Joe Liebermann is a Democrat he needs to go, too!!!  He is a disgrace to his State of Connecticut and Congress. He is for Joe Liebermann only.

Now see how mad Ed Schultz got on National TV the other day in Connecticut.

Fire the Party of "No"

Fire the Party of "No" is in response of listening to the lies of the Republican Party and seeing the disruption of our new President. President Obama has time and time again have asked the Republicans to help fix the problems with our country and they have flat out refused to do so. In fact, they made an announcement just four days after Obama became President to make him fail and they have been on track doing so. If they want the President to fail, they want our country to fail and that is not an option.

The Republicans have sent this country into total destruction for nine years now and they keep it on their agenda to do the same. It is time to "Fire the Party of No" and get our government back to work for the people.

President Obama is new to the Presidency and should be expected to make mistakes. The one biggest mistake that he has made is trying to work with the Republican Party, but he tried and failed, which has caused the health Care Reform Bill that is wanted and needed by the majority of American People to be disrupted and mishandled.

The disruption of the Republican has sent the message that President Obama has failed which is just not true. Even with the disruption of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party in Congress has still accomplished more this year than any other President in history. This is a great accomplishment in its self.

President Obama has been consistence with his message when it comes to helping this country, unlike the Republicans. The Republicans even voted down everything that has helped this country and then tells the people of their districts that they got the money, even after voting the money down. The Republicans are nothing but liars and thieves. They have told so many lies that they believe themselves.

The Republican Party has had 139 filibusters just in the past year. A filibuster is nothing more than the disruption of government. That is more than any other government congress in United States history. This message should be enough for everybody in the US want to replace the Republican Party of “No”. I know I am ready to replace the “Party of No” How about You?