Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Keith Olbermann talks to Bernie Sanders About a Very Bad Deal for the American People

Keith Olbermann talks ot Bernie Sanders

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grit TV - Health Care Reform Battle Begins

As Republican freshmen head to Congress, many of them are riding a wave of promises to repeal "Obamacare." As Jamie Court noted on our show last week, one of the most unpopular elements of the bill is the mandate that Americans purchase private health insurance. But Wendell Potter, former health insurance industry insider, notes that that is the part of the bill that is most popular with the insurance companies that bankrolled those same Republicans.

Donna Smith of National Nurses United (and of Michael Moore's health care film Sicko) asks, meanwhile, if there's any value at all created by the private health care industry. We try to answer that question with Donna and Wendell in our studio, as well as the question of what luck Republicans will have with repeal, and what can be done on a state level

More GRITtv

Friday, November 5, 2010

Republicans For Sale

Republicans for Sale and they do not care who they hurt in the process.

Click Here to Help take the Sale Sign off Washington DC Lawn

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Crooked Republicans Keith Oblermann

The Very Rich and the US Chamber of Commerce should not be allowed to buy the Republican Party by buying the Republicans and running advertisements that are nothing but lies.   This type of behavior has to be stopped. Make sure you watch all of the show.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Vote Republican - Not Me - Here's Why

Voting Republican will be a very bad thing for Florida and the rest of our county. The Republicans came into office with a surplus of billions of dollars, the economy was good, and the people were feeling good about themselves.

After eight years of Republican control we lost the surplus and went 1.3 trillion dollars in debt, the economy was a total disaster, put us into two Wars that we should have been in and no one feels good about good about anything.

Then we elect President Obama and the very first thing the Republicans put on their agenda is “Make Obama Fail” at all costs and it’s the only thing on their agenda. If this is the mentally of the people that you want in office then you have only one choice, vote Republicans. Americans are better than that.

Just look at what the Republicans have picked for office, Christine O’Donnell for Delaware, Sharon Angle for Nevada, Rand Paul for Kentucky, and there are more ridiculous people. If this is the best that the Republican Party can do what is next? These people do not have a clue on what to or how to help the American People or our country. These are very good examples of how our school system has failed over the years. Another good example of the failed schooling system is the amount of people that believe what the Republicans saying and what they are doing to destroy our country. They believe the stuff that the Republicans make up, no common sense at all. The Republican does not want people that have an education just so they can keep power so they make all kinds of money from Wall Street Banker, Insurance Companies, Oil Companies and more.

The Republicans have been blocking each and everything that would help the American People. They have blocked;

• the money from the Republican Failed Wall Street Bankers,

• have blocked each and every unemployment claim that the unemployed needs to live on,

• have blocked every bill that would put American People back to work,

• have blocked every bill that would get money to small businesses,

• in fact the Republicans have block anything that was and is good for the American People.

President Obama went into office on January, 2009 and was handed an economy that was worse than the Depression of the 30’s. No one person could ever bring our economy into a forward motion within two years and especially with the treasonous actions of the Republican Party.

The Republicans lied about Health Care Reform Bill to keep it from passing and if they repeal Health Care Reform if they get back in power. They have said this many times over. What is it that they will repeal, if they took back power, well, the answer is:

They will be appealing:

1. Providing Small Business Health Insurance Tax Credits - Effective January 1, 2010

Up to 4 million small businesses are eligible for tax credits to help them provide insurance benefits to their workers. The first phase of this provision provides a credit worth up to 35% of the employer’s contribution to the employees’ health insurance. Small non-profit organizations may receive up to a 25% credit.

2. Allowing States to cover more People on Medicaid - Effective April 1, 2010

States will be able to receive federal matching funds for covering some additional low-income individuals and families under Medicaid for whom federal funds were not previously available. This will make it easier for states that choose to do so to cover more of their residents.

3. Relief for Four Million Seniors who hit the Medicare Prescription Drug “Donut Hole”.

First checks mailed in June, 2010, and will continue monthly throughout 2010 as seniors hit the coverage gap.

An estimated 4 million seniors will reach the gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage known as the “donut hole” this year. Each such senior will receive a $250 rebate.

4. Cracking Down on Health Care Fraud - Many Provisions Effective Now

Current efforts to fight fraud have returned more than $2.5 billion to the Medicare Trust Fund in FY 2009 alone. The new law invests new resources and requires new screening procedures for health care providers to boost these efforts and reduce fraud and waste in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP.

5. Expanding Coverage for Early Retirees - Applications for employers to participate in the program available June 1, 2010.

Learn more about the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program.

Too often, Americans who retire without employer-sponsored insurance and before they are eligible for Medicare see their life savings disappear because of high rates in the individual market. To preserve employer coverage for early retirees until more affordable coverage is available through the new Exchanges by 2014, the new law creates a $5 billion program to provide needed financial help for employment-based plans to continue to provide valuable coverage to people who retire between the ages of 55 and 65, as well as their spouses and dependents.

For more information on the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program, visit http://www.errp.gov/

6. Providing Access to Insurance for Uninsured Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions - National Program Established July 1, 2010

A Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan will provide new coverage options to individuals who have been uninsured for at least six months because of a pre-existing condition. States have the option of running this new program in their state. If a state chooses not to do so, a plan will be established by the Department of Health and Human Services in that state. This program serves as a bridge to 2014, when all discrimination against pre-existing conditions will be prohibited. Learn more about the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan.

7. Putting Information Online - Effective July 1, 2010

The law provides for an easy-to-use website where consumers can compare health insurance coverage options and pick the coverage that works for them.

8. Extending Coverage for Young Adults - Effective health Care plans beginning on or after September 23, 2010

Under the new law, young adults will be allowed to stay on their parent’s plan until they turn 26 years old. (In the case of existing group health plans, this right does not apply if the young adult is offered insurance at work.) Some insurers began implementing this practice early. Check with your insurance company or employer to see if you qualify. Learn more about the young adults insurance policy.

9. Providing Free Preventive Care - Effective health Care plans beginning on or after September 23, 2010

All new plans must cover certain preventive services such as mammograms and colonoscopies without charging a deductible, co-pay or coinsurance.

Learn more about preventive care benefits.

10. Preventing Insurance from Rescinding Coverage - Effective for Health Care plans years beginning on or after September 23, 2010

In the past, insurance companies could search for an error, or other technical mistake, on a customer’s application and use this error to deny payment for services when he or she got sick. The new law makes this illegal. After media reports cited incidents of breast cancer patients losing coverage, insurance companies agreed to end this practice immediately.

Learn about how the law curbs insurance cancellations.

11. Appealing Insurance Company Decisions - Effective for new plans years beginning on or after September 23, 2010

The law provides consumers with a way to appeal coverage determinations or claims to their insurance company, and establishes an external review process.

12. Eliminating Lifetime Limits on Insurance Coverage - Effective for Health Care years beginning on or after September 23, 2010

Under the new law, insurance companies will be prohibited from imposing lifetime dollar limits on essential benefits, like hospital stays.

Learn about how the law eliminates lifetime limits.

13. Regulating Annual Limits on Insurance Coverage - Effective for Health Care years beginning on or after September 23, 2010

Under the new law, insurance companies’ use of annual dollar limits on the amount of insurance coverage a patient may receive will be restricted for new plans in the individual market and all group plans. In 2014, the use of annual dollar limits on essential benefits like hospital stays will be banned for new plans in the individual market and all group plans.

Learn about how the law regulates annual limits.

14. Prohibiting Denying Children Based on Pre-Existing Conditions - Effective for Health Care years beginning on or after September 23, 2010 for new plans and for existing Group Plans

The new law includes new rules to prevent insurance companies from denying coverage to children under the age of 19 due to a pre-existing condition.

Learn how the law protects children with pre-existing conditions.

15. Holding Insurance Companies Accountable for Unreasonable Rate Hikes - Grants will be awarded beginning 2010

The law allows states that have, or plan to implement, measures that require insurance companies to justify their premium increases to be eligible for $250 million in new grants. Insurance companies with excessive or unjustified premium increases may not be able to participate in the new health insurance Exchanges in 2014.

Learn how the law ensures value and accountability for your premiums.

16. Rebuilding the Primary Care Workforce - Effective 2010

To strengthen the availability of primary care, there are new incentives in the law to expand the number of primary care doctors, nurses and physician assistants, including funding for scholarships and loan repayments for primary care doctors and nurses working in underserved areas. Doctors and nurses receiving payments made under any State loan repayment or loan forgiveness program intended to increase the availability of health care services in underserved or health professional shortage areas will not have to pay taxes on those payments.

17. Preventing Disease and Illness - Funding begins 2010

A new $15 billion Prevention and Public Health Fund will invest in proven prevention and public health programs that can help keep Americans healthy – from smoking cessation to combating obesity.

18. Strengthening Community Health Centers - Effective 2010

The law includes new funding to support the construction of and expansion of services at community health centers, allowing these centers to serve some 20 million new patients across the country.

19. Payments for Rural Health Care Providers - Effective 2010

Today, 68% of medically underserved communities across the nation are in rural areas, and these communities often have trouble attracting and retaining medical professionals. The law provides increased payment to rural health care providers to help them continue to serve their communities.

20. Prescription Drug Discounts - Effective January 1, 2011

Seniors who reach the coverage gap will receive a 50 percent discount when buying Medicare Part D covered brand-name prescription drugs. Over the next ten years, seniors will receive additional savings on brand-name and generic drugs until the coverage gap is closed in 2020.

21. Free Preventive Care for Seniors - Effective January 1, 2011

The law provides certain free preventive services, such as annual wellness visits and personalized prevention plans, for seniors on Medicare.

22. Bring Down Health Care Premiums - The Rebate Program begins January 1, 2011

To ensure premium dollars are spent primarily on health care, the new law generally requires that at least 85% of all premium dollars collected by insurance companies for large employer plans are spent on health care services and health care quality improvement. For plans sold to individuals and small employers, at least 80% of the premium must be spent on benefits and quality improvement. If insurance companies do not meet these goals because their administrative costs or profits are too high, they must provide rebates to consumers.

23. Addressing Overpayment to big Insurance Companies and Strengthening Medicare Advantage - Effective January 1, 2010

Today, Medicare pays Medicare Advantage insurance companies over $1,000 more per person on average than is spent per person in Original Medicare. This results in increased premiums for all Medicare beneficiaries, including the 77 percent of beneficiaries who are not currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. The new law levels the playing field by gradually eliminating this discrepancy. People enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan will still receive all guaranteed Medicare benefits, and the law provides bonus payments to Medicare Advantage plans that provide high quality care. Learn more about improvements to Medicare.

24. Improving Health Care Quality and Efficiency - Effective no later than January 1, 2010

The law establishes a new Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation that will begin testing new ways of delivering care to patients. These new methods are expected to improve the quality of care and reduce the rate of growth in costs for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). By January 1, 2011, HHS will submit a national strategy for quality improvement in health care, including these programs.

25. Improving Care for Seniors After they Leave Hospital - Effective January 1, 2010

The Community Care Transitions Program will help high-risk Medicare beneficiaries who are hospitalized avoid unnecessary readmissions by coordinating care and connecting patients to services in their communities.

26. New Innovations to Bring Down Costs - Administrative Funding Becomes Available October 1, 2011

The Independent Payment Advisory Board will begin operations to develop and submit proposals to Congress and the President aimed at extending the life of the Medicare Trust Fund. The Board is expected to focus on ways to target waste in the system, and recommend ways to reduce costs, improve health outcomes for patients, and expand access to high-quality care.

27. Increases Services at Home and in the Community - Beginning Effective October 1, 2011

The new Community First Choice Option allows States to offer home and community based services to disabled individuals through Medicaid rather than institutional care in nursing homes.

28. Encouraging Integrated Health Systems - Effective January 1, 2012

The new law provides incentives for physicians to join together to form “Accountable Care Organizations.” In these groups, doctors can better coordinate patient care and improve the quality, help prevent disease and illness, and reduce unnecessary hospital admissions. If Accountable Care Organizations provide high quality care and reduce costs to the health care system, they can keep some of the money that they have helped save.

29. Understanding and Fighting Health Disparities - Effective March 2012

To help understand and reduce persistent health disparities, the law requires any ongoing or new Federal health program to collect and report racial, ethnic and language data. The Secretary of Health and Human Services will use this data to help identify and reduce disparities.

30. Providing New, Voluntary Options for Long-Term Care Insurance - Benefit Plan no Later than October 1, 2012

The law creates a voluntary long-term care insurance program – called CLASS -- to provide cash benefits to adults who become disabled.

31. Reducing Paperwork and Administration Costs - First Regulation Effective October 1, 2012

Health care remains one of the few industries that relies on paper records. The new law will institute a series of changes to standardize billing and requires health plans to begin adopting and implementing rules for the secure, confidential, electronic exchange of health information. Using electronic health records will reduce paperwork and administrative burdens, cut costs, reduce medical errors and, most importantly, improve the quality of care.

32. Linking Payment to Quality Outcome - Effective for payment for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2012

The law establishes a hospital Value-Based Purchasing program (VBP) in Original Medicare. This program offers financial incentives to hospitals to improve the quality of care. Hospital performance is required to be publicly reported, beginning with measures relating to heart attacks, heart failure, pneumonia, surgical care, health-care associated infections, and patients’ perception of care.

33. Improving Preventive Health Coverage - Effective January 1, 2013

To expand the number of Americans receiving preventive care, the law provides new funding to state Medicaid programs that choose to cover preventive services for patients at little or no cost.

34. Increasing Medicaid Payments for Primary Care Doctors - Effective January 1, 2013

As Medicaid programs and providers prepare to cover more patients in 2014, the Act requires states to pay primary care physicians no less than 100 percent of Medicare payment rates in 2013 and 2014 for primary care services. The increase is fully funded by the federal government.

35. Expand Authority Bundle Payments - Effective no later than January 1, 2013

The law establishes a national pilot program to encourage hospitals, doctors, and other providers to work together to improve the coordination and quality of patient care. Under payment “bundling,” hospitals, doctors, and providers are paid a flat rate for an episode of care rather than the current fragmented system where each service or test or bundles of items or services are billed separately to Medicare. For example, instead of a surgical procedure generating multiple claims from multiple providers, the entire team is compensated with a “bundled” payment that provides incentives to deliver health care services more efficiently while maintaining or improving quality of care. It aligns the incentives of those delivering care, and savings are shared between providers and the Medicare program.

36. Additional Funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) - Effective October 1, 2013

Under the new law, states will receive two more years of funding to continue coverage for children not eligible for Medicaid.

37. Establishing Health Insurance Exchanges - Effective January 1, 2014

Starting in 2014 if your employer doesn’t offer insurance, you will be able to buy insurance directly in an Exchange -- a new transparent and competitive insurance marketplace where individuals and small businesses can buy affordable and qualified health benefit plans. Exchanges will offer you a choice of health plans that meet certain benefits and cost standards. Starting in 2014, Members of Congress will be getting their health care insurance through Exchanges, and you will be able buy your insurance through Exchanges too.

38. Promoting Individual Responsibility - Effective January 1, 2014

Under the new law, most individuals who can afford it will be required to obtain basic health insurance coverage or pay a fee to help offset the costs of caring for uninsured Americans. If affordable coverage is not available to an individual, he or she will be eligible for an exemption.

39. Ensuring Free Choice - Effective January 1, 2014

Workers meeting certain requirements who cannot afford the coverage provided by their employer may take whatever funds their employer might have contributed to their insurance and use these resources to help purchase a more affordable plan in the new health insurance Exchanges. These new competitive marketplaces will allow individuals and small businesses to buy qualified health benefit plans. Starting in 2014, Members of Congress will be getting their health care insurance through Exchanges and all Americans will have the choice of buying insurance through them, too.

40. Increasing Access to Medicaid - Effective January 1, 2014

Americans who earn less than 133 percent of the poverty level (approximately $14,000 for an individual and $29,000 for a family of four) will be eligible to enroll in Medicaid. States will receive 100 percent federal funding for the first three years to support this expanded coverage, phasing to 90 percent federal funding in subsequent years.

41. Makes Care More Affordable - Effective January 1, 2014

Tax credits to make it easier for the middle class to afford insurance will become available for people with incomes above 100 percent and below 400 percent of poverty ($43,000 for an individual or $88,000 for a family of four in 2010) who are not eligible for or offered other affordable coverage. These individuals may also qualify for reduced cost-sharing (e.g. copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles).

42. Ensuring Coverage for Individuals Participating in Clinical Trials - Effective January 1, 2014

Insurers will be prohibited from dropping or limiting coverage because an individual chooses to participate in a clinical trial. This applies to all clinical trials that treat cancer or other life-threatening diseases.

43. Eliminating Annual Limits on Insurance Coverage - Effective January 1, 2014

The law prohibits new plans and existing group plans from imposing annual dollar limits on the amount of coverage an individual may receive.

44. No Discrimination due to Pre-Existing Conditions or Gender - Effective January 1, 2014

The law implements strong reforms that prohibit insurance companies from refusing to sell coverage or renew policies because of an individual’s pre-existing conditions. Also, in the individual and small group market, it eliminates the ability of insurance companies to charge higher rates due to gender or health status.

45. Increasing Small Business Health Insurance Tax Credits - Effective January 1, 2014

The law implements the second phase of the small business tax credit for qualified small businesses and small non-profit organizations. In this phase, the credit is up to 50 percent of the employer’s contribution to provide health insurance for employees. There is also up to a 35 percent credit for small non-profit organizations.

46. Paying Physicians on Value Not Volume - Effective January 1, 2015

A new provision will tie physician payments to the quality of care they provide. Physicians will see their payments modified so that those who provide higher value care will receive higher payments than those who provide lower quality care.

Now with everything moving in the right direction, why would anyone want to repeal all of this – only because of the bottom line, over money? The insurance companies were spending over a million dollars a day to stop Health Care Reform and the Republicans were benefiting from that and when they were losing the battle, then the insurance companies started spending two millions a day to defeat the Health Care Reform. You have got to ask yourself why insurance companies would spend that much money to defeat the Health Care Reform Bill. That’s easy, denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions and dropping people from insurance once a claim comes in, limit the amount of money spent on claims saves the insurance companies billions of dollars. No regulations make good sense for the insurance companies but not for the American People.

Now the Republicans are getting big bucks to defeat everyone that fought for Health Care Reform, Wall Street Reform and Oil Spill Regulations. That’s right; the money is coming from these people that cause the Oil Spill, Economy Collapse, and our failing Health Care System. How stupid do these people think we are?

After what the Wall Street Banker, Insurance Companies, the Oil Companies, and the Republicans have put us through, why would anyone vote for any Republican? It is time to get rid of all of them, period.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Admendments 5 and 6

Admendments 5 and 6 are on the ballot this election to break the unfair districts.

The Truth about Rich Scott

The Rick Scott Story

Saturday, October 2, 2010

White House White Board: CEA Chair Austan Goolsbee Explains the Tax Cut Fight

Today we're trying out something new -- White House White Board, in which one of our key players on the White House team will cut through the political back-and-forth you hear every day and break down an issue affecting American families into simple, understandable terms.  Today, Austan Goolsbee, the new Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers here at the White House, tackles the tax cut fight and what it means that Congressional Republicans are "holding middle class tax cuts hostage" as the President has said.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sherrod Brown on Wall Street Reform, Disclose Act, and Creating Jobs

Sherrod Brown has been and still is fighting for the working class people.  We need more people like him, Alan Grayson of Florida, and Anthony Weiner of New York.

The Republicans Want to Enforce "Women are Worth Less"

As I was going through my E-Mails I came across this video from "No Limits Foundation" sent to me from Ann Lewis.  I agree with this and it was one of the first things that President Obama had done when he became President, he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act on January 29, 2009.

"On average, a woman who works year-round in a full-time job makes 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man," said Marcia Greenberger, President of the National Women's Law Center. "The wage gap grows even wider when we look at the numbers for women of color: African-American women earn 62 cents for every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men, while Hispanic women earn only 53 cents. These disparities translate into an earnings gap of $10,849 per year. That's . . . money that families need to pay for basic necessities such as groceries, child care, rent and health insurance."
The Paycheck Fairness Act, which was introduced by then Senator Hillary Clinton and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro in 2009, is an important step to making equal pay a reality for working women and their families. As White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett said: "…equal pay is not only a matter of principle; it's a matter of survival." Among other badly needed provisions, the Act would prevent employers from penalizing workers who share their salary information – the kind of information that would have made a difference for Lily Ledbetter. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Lily Ledbetter discuss equal pay and the Paycheck Fairness Act here.
The House passed the Paycheck Fairness Act in January of last year – now it's up to the Senate!
Call your senators today and tell them to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act now!

The Republicans are going to repeal the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act if they get the majority in the House and Senate.  If this is what you want, then vote Republican this November.

Don't just take it from me - take it from GOP Sen. Jim DeMint, one of the architects of this year's conservative uprising. He promises that if Republicans take the majority, we'll have "complete gridlock."

Ed Shultz "Is Jim DeMint Drunk With Power?

Jim DeMint and the Republicans are just flat out liars destroying our country.  You need to realize the damage that is being done by these lies.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ed Shultz on GOP Sicko's

President Obama on Health Care Reform and the GOP Refuses to quit the repeal process.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The OpEd: Finding irony in the Values Voter Summit

The OpEd: Finding irony in the Values Voter Summit

Saturday, September 11, 2010

‘America Speaking Out’ Against Republican Proposals On Republican Website

House Republicans have proudly touted their America Speaking Out website — which allows visitors to suggest and vote on various policy prescriptions — as a new and innovative way to involve the American people in the democratic process and the creation of federal policy. Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) said the site is “revolutionizing the way we govern by engaging the American people and seeking your ideas for making things better.” Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) said that America Speaking Out proves “the Democrat [sic] majority isn’t listening, but House Republicans will.”

Read More:

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fox News rejected the ad three times

Next Tuesday, Media Matters for America is going on the air to let Fox viewers know about a story the network has largely kept them in the dark about: the $1 million donation to a Republican campaign arm by Fox's parent company, News Corp.
We can't let Fox continue to pose as a news network while functioning as a political operation. It starts by letting Fox viewers know just how much money the network they're watching has dumped into campaigns to elect Republicans and defeat Democrats.
Fox News rejected the ad three times. Only after it was confronted by another news outlet did Fox agree to run it. You can help us put it on the air and offer 30 seconds of truth in the midst of Fox's 24/7 propaganda machine.

The Bailout

Rachel Maddow bring out the fake and lying Republicans

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pawlenty Restricts Health Care Money

Pawlenty Restricts Health Care Money

This is what the Republican Party is all about, destroy President Obama and the economy just to get back in power no matter who they hurt.  Are you going to let the Republican Party take us into more wars, higher unemployment, more home foreclosures, higher insurance costs, less services, cut out Social Security altogether, cut out Medicare and Medicaid altogether and much , much more in November?  I hope not and I hope you can see the lies that the Republican Party have been telling over the last ten years which lead us to the collapse of America. President Obama did not make this mess and he has been trying to get it right but the Republican keep disrupting everything to make a better economy for America. 

Remember that changing the way Washington works is not easy because they you not want their benefits taken away and that is just what President has been doing, alittle at a time so the Republicans, Insurance Companies, Wall Street, and the very , very rich are doing everything they can to destroy President Obama.  Don't let them do it.

Ed Shultz: Democrats Get Engaged

Ed Shultz: Democrats Get Engaged

Republicans are heartless and I agree with Ed Shultz.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help Remove the Republicans and Keep Them Out

Bud Chiles is running for Florida Governor's Office as an Independent.  I have met him and I have very good feeling about him.  I believe that he will make a very good Governor for the State of Florida.  His father made a good Governor, a good Representative, and a good Senator for Florida.

Now it's Bud's turn to make Florida great again.  Please help out as Florida is a disgrace to the people of Florida because of the failed policies of the Republicans and failed leadership of the Republicans.

Now you have a chance to meet Bud Chiles on Tuesday, August 31th, 2010:
Please Join us for a Meet & Greet - Fundraiser to support Lawton "Bud" Chiles, the Next Governor of Florida
Tuesday, August 31st
6:00pm - 8:00pm

Por Fin Restaurant
2500 Ponce de Leon Boulevard,
Coral Gables

*Cash Bar and light hors d'oeuvres*
R.S.V.P. 850.421.2010 or chiles.ashley@gmail.com
Suggested Contribution: $25

Maximum Contribution: $250
Please make checks payable to:
Campaign Account of Bud Chiles

P.O. Box 12609

Tallahassee, FL 32317
$250 maximum per entity: personal or corporate checks accepted.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Bud Chiles, No Party Affiliation, for Governor. The purchase of a ticket for, or a contribution to, the campaign fund raiser is a contribution to the campaign of Bud Chiles.

Contributions to the Bud Chiles Campaign are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Vote Today

Today is Primary Election day. You have your chance to make change today in the way our government works or not working such as the case today. Today is the day to narrow down the candidate’s to be able to have the chance to get a better person in office. Not voting is not the answer to the problems.

Now since today is only a Primary Election what you have to look for in the future if you do not keep in mind what has happened during the eight years the Bush and his Gang did to America and to the American People. Voting is very important even if it seems that your vote does not count. You vote does count and Not Voting will not help solve the problems within our government.

You can vote Republicans if you want:

•If you want to help our President to fail
•If you want the Republicans to protect:
  • ◦Oil Companies
  • ◦Insurance Companies
  • ◦Wall Street
•Create more Wars
•Create more unemployment
•Create more Home Foreclosures
•Loose more of your retirement
•Lower your Salary
•Create Fewer Regulations that caused:
  • ◦BP Oil Spill,
  • ◦West Virginia Mines that killed 29 people,
  • ◦As in Bernie Madoff scandal
  • ◦As in Allen Sanford scandal
  • ◦And much, much more
•If you want to spend 23% more money in taxes than the very, very rich
•If you want to raise your Health Care Insurance
•If you want to change the Constitution
•If you want the government legally break the laws of the US Constitution
•If you want to raise the deficit
•If you want to lower the number of teachers
•If you want to add more students per Class Room
•If you want to reduce the number of police
•If you want to reduce the number of Firemen
•If you want to bring a higher number of children not graduating
•If you want to put more people in jail instead of educating them

Vote for anyone one else if you want you want to go back to before the Republicans destroyed America, before they started to lie to the American people, and before they made the rich richer.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Voters Unimpressed, Undecided in Florida

As I was reading an article from the Miami Herald "In Florida Senate Race Voters Unimpressed Undecided" I would have to agree.

There is no way I would ever vote for a Republican, after all they are the ones that put us in the shape we are in now. They only want to help the rich and the he$$ with the rest. The choice here is clear, no Republicans period.

Now you have the choice of Kendrick Meek, Jeff Greene, Maurice Ferre, or Charlie Crist.

I have met everyone except Jeff Greene. My experience with Kendrick Meek is that he will not keep his promises and he will not return your calls. He is in the race only for Kendrick Meek. I have tried and tried to contact him and he will not answer his calls or e-mails. This is not the type of person anyone should want in office.

Charlie Crist and I met when he was here in Miami at a fund raiser and I told Charlie Crist that I was not there to support him but wanted to know why he did not support me. Anyway he gave me his card and asked me to send him the papers on the corruption here in Florida and he would try to do something. Anyway I have called the number and have e-mailed him and he is not answering he is not answering them. This is no way to run an office of the government either.

Maurice Ferre I met at a DNC meeting and he seems to be fine but has no money to promote himself. He was a good Mayor from what I hear and he was refused to be heard on National TV and is being pushed out of the race. This could be a good person to elect because the press does not want him or otherwise they would talk about him more often.

Jeff Greene will not return my calls either but he is an outsider which is very good for the people of Florida. When they say that he switched from Democrat to Republican and back to Democrat so he doesn’t know what he wants to do is crap. If you try something then you don’t like it you change. This is what Jeff Greene did. He found out what the Republican Party is really like and went back to the best. This is very good for Florida working people.

Now we are down to two choices, Maurice Ferre or Jeff Greene. At this point I am still working on who will be the best for Florida.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Florida Should Start Hiring Lawton "Bud" Chiles For Florida Governor

Time for change and let's put Lawton "Bud" Chiles in charge of Florida by electing him our next Florida Governor.  Here is what Bud Chiles is about:

With a promise to return Florida’s government to the people, Lawton M. (Bud) Chiles III, a Tallahassee businessman who served until recently as President of the Lawton Chiles Foundation, today announced that he has entered the race to become Florida’s next governor. Chiles, 57, said that the influence of money has caused state government to break its bond with the people it was created to serve.
“I’m running for Governor to speak for a million Floridians who are out of work right now,” Chiles said. “I’m running to help nearly a million children who have no health care – and for the millions of people who, like me, believe Florida can and must do better by its families and communities.”
Chiles said that state government has “broken faith” with the people it was created to serve, and he pointed to contributions to candidates and parties as the reason.
“It’s big money versus big money and the people are left on the sidelines,” he said. “I refuse to play that game. I am in this race as an independent, beholden to no party. My campaign is all about bringing people together, not dividing folks.”
Not only will he refuse party money, Chiles added that he also will not accept contributions from political action committees (PACs) or large corporations- and is limiting contributions to $250.
As president of the Lawton Chiles Foundation – named in honor of his late father – Chiles has spent the last several months walking across the state, meeting with teachers, children’s advocates and local leaders. According to Chiles, the hard work and cooperation he witnessed made him realize that the communities ought to serve as a model for the state.
“I’ve seen firsthand that the answers to our most challenging problems are found right in our own communities,” Chiles said. “These collaborative efforts are working because people are coming together not as Democrats or Republicans, but as community leaders – to improve education, help foster kids, and end homelessness.”
Chiles said that his campaign will be focused on energizing the people of Florida who have been left out and whose voices haven’t been heard. He promised fast action on reforming campaign finance laws and making government more transparent to the people.
Chiles said he expects to continue his way across Florida, meeting with people in the communities and learning firsthand about their successes and challenges. A major campaign rally to kick off the campaign is scheduled for his hometown of Lakeland on June 12.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Anthony Weiner

It is about time that someone show the courage to say it like it is against the Republicans.  Thank you Anthony Weiner.  The Republicans do not have the respect of anyone with any kind of sense.

 Come on Democrats and Independents tell the Republicans where to go.  They have destroryed America and are still trying to destroy it.  Thank You Again Anthony Weiner!!!!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Alan Grayson on Unemployment Bill

The GOP has disrupted everything that President Obama has been trying to do and some Democrats are totally fedup and I agree with them.  Here is Alan Grayson Ripping the GOP and they deserve it.

Alan Grayson on Unemployment Bill

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Charlie Crist Blasts Florida Lawmakers

I am not a Charlie Crist fan but I am proud of him for what he has done ever since he has left the Republican party.  Now the Republican is rebelling against Crist for doing what is right for Florida and the people.  The Republican Party will do anything and everything they can to get back in power no matter who they hurt or destroy.

Charlie Crist Blasts Florida Lawmakers

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Real Reason Republicans Say No to Tax Cuts for the Rich

As you know by now that the Republicans are against each and everything that President Obama is for.  They are against Health Care Reform, because they already have it, they are against Wall Street Reform, because that is where most of their campaign money comes from, they are against tax increase for the rich because they are the rich and pay no taxes. 

The average Congressman earns almost three times the money the ordinary citizen makes, $153,000 compared to $48,000 dollars per year

This not including the Heads of the Republicans McConnell,

Rubio continues opposition to Senate jobless aid bill

My answer to "Rubio continues opposition to Senate jobless aid bill".

George LeMieux should resign. Marco Rubio should drop out of the race with thinking like cutting off the unemployed and sticking to the Republicans Plan. Cuts should be made to national debt like cutting the pay for the Republicans representatives that caused this mess in the first place. We should also cut off all health insurance benefits for all Republicans that voted no on the Health Care Reform.
We should just say "No" to all Republicans this November like they have been saying no to help the American People. If the economy fails, then the Republicans will regain power, is their only strategy which but the way destroyed this country in the first place. I do not want any more failed policies of the Republicans at all, ever again.

Read More

Saturday, July 17, 2010

President Barack Obama blamed Senate Republicans

President Barack Obama on Saturday blamed Senate Republicans for the lapse in unemployment insurance for a growing number of jobless workers, saying the GOP is more interested in providing tax cuts to the rich.

President Obama

President Obama has been trying to do what is right for our country and the Republicans have time over and over has said no, have disrupted and lied to get back in power in November.  This is nothing but a total disgrace for our country.  When Bush and his gang took over there was a $370 Billion Dollar surplus and teh Republicans have distroyed that and now say that the deficit is so high that they have put millions of unemployed people out in the street, basically.  There are no jobs because of the Republicans saying no to everything that President Obama has suggested and will not come up with any programs of their own to fix the economy. 

President Obama on Filibustering Recovery & Obstructing Progress.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Health Care Reform that the Republicans Want to Repeal

Health Care Reform Bill that the Republicans want to repeal is not good for the American People. Sure it may not be perfect, but can you show me anything in government that is perfect? The Patient’s Bill of Rights is out now and you will be able to see for yourself that it is good for the American People just like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, Fire Department, Police Department and the Armies and more.

The Republicans say that we cannot afford this but the reality is that we cannot afford not the Republican way anymore. They have had the time and resources to do something about Health Care and did nothing. Doing nothing is why President Obama is President today; make change to the way Washington works or the way it did not work.

The Patient’s Bill of Rights is just a start of a good thing for Americans and its part of that change that the Insurance Companies and the Republicans, bring financed by the Insurance Companies, were and still fighting. The Insurance Companies don’t want it because it will cut into their profits of billions of dollars and the Republicans are fighting it because it is bringing in millions of dollars to their campaign if they stick with Insurance Companies policies. This is flat out wrong.

Come in November you will have to make a choice of siding with big insurance companies and vote for repealing good Patient’s Bill of Rights or you can vote Democrats or Independent and keep the new laws into effect. This is not a hard choice giving the past experiences of the Republican Party of screwing the American People each and every way they can. All the Republicans want is Power. Power comes when you do the right thing for the American People and not for big Insurance Companies, big Bank, big Oil Companies and so. I believe you get the picture. Not doing the right thing is why the Republicans are out of power in the first place because the Republican Party totally thinks that the American People are just plain stupid.

The American People are not stupid and putting President Obama as our President is proof of that. The American People want real change period and they know that Republicans, big Oil Companies, big Banks and more are going to do everything they can to disrupt President Obama’s Agenda because it will take part of their billion dollar profit away from them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Unemployed - Thank the Republicans

If you cannot find a job, just thank the Republicans.  If you lose your enemployement benifits

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Scott, McCollum in a big money race

Nothing better illustrates the corrupting influence of big money in Florida politics than the charade two Republican candidates for governor are playing to collect piles of cash from special interests. Attorney General Bill McCollum and health care executive Rick Scott are coordinating with third-party groups, avoiding the fundraising limits and disclosure rules their own campaigns must follow. The outrage is not that they are violating any laws but that their cynical manipulation of the system is legal. The average voter will need a crystal ball to ascertain before the Aug. 24 primary exactly who is trying to influence their vote — and who these men would be beholden to if they moved into the Governor's Mansion.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Listen All Y'all, It's a Republican Sabotage

Listen All Y'all, It's a Republican Sabotage, an article written by Bob Cesca and alot of people just don't it when it comes to the Republican Base.  I think that he did a wonderful job at putting this together for the American People to read to help them to really understand the Real Republican Agenda.

Listen All Y'all, It's a Republican Sabotage

Tuesday morning on CNBC, the spazzy white guys in lower Manhattan were debating how the administration and Congress can best repair the economy, and mainly the jobless numbers. At one point, Rick Santelli, the hyperkinetic shoutcaster and instigator of the tea party movement, began to flail around, waving his arms above his head while yelling, "Stop spending! Stop spending! Stop spending!"
And contrary to accusations from one of the other spazzy white panelists, Santelli insisted he wasn't calling for more tax cuts. Just a freeze in government spending. Somehow.

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Republican Multiple Choice

I just can’t make up my mind – which Republican statement from the week so far was the most embarrassing? Sure, John Boehner threw out some gems, but let’s not minimize the contributions from Kentucky and Illinois Senate candidates Rand Paul and Mark Kirk, who have both shown great promise in this particular field. Here are your choices, please feel free to vote in the comments, or to suggest write-in candidates of your own:

A) John Boehner lamenting that “They’re snuffing out the America that I grew up in.” Since he was born in 1949, one can only conclude that he pines for the good ol’ days before Roe v. Wade, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act and the Clean Water Act came along and spoiled everything.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Ed Shultz on the Very "Bad Senate" or "Very Bad Republicans"

Ed Shultz on the Very "Bad Senate" or "Very Bad Republicans"

Do Republicans actually want America to fail?

Tomorrow, more than a million people who've been out of work for six months or more will lose unemployment benefits, because Senate Republicans and theoretical Democrat Ben Nelson joined together to block an already too-small package of half-measures designed to provide some modicum of help for the nation's millions of jobless people.
The vote was 57-41. Oddly, the side with 41 votes actually won. Because that is how the Founders wanted things to not work in this god-blessed nation.
Hundreds of thousands of public- and private-sector employees will also soon to joint he ranks of the unemployed (and hope they don't become the long-term unemployed, because no one much seems to care about them), because the bill could not be made quite weak and ineffective enough to win the support of the only two "moderate" Republicans alive (two women from Maine who never actually act on their "moderate" beliefs).

Read On

Monday, June 21, 2010

Simpson thinks some Americans are "lesser people"

Caught on Video
The Republicans all think the same way about the America People which think that the American People are idiots.  What will it take for the American to see that the Republicans are the very same people that created the mess that we are in now? 

Simpson thinks some Americans are "lesser people"
You probably know a lot of good people who depend on their Social Security check. Who count every penny. Hard-working folks who have contributed their whole lives and now need those checks.
Sen. Simpson thinks they're "lesser people." And he's joining with the other right-wing ideologues on the deficit commission to find a way to cut Social Security for those "lesser people"--even though Social Security hasn't caused the deficit.
Check out the video and then send Sen. Simpson the message that he needs to resign by clicking below. Then pass on the video to your friends.
Click here to email the commission. Use your own words and be respectful, but make it clear that you saw Sen. Simpson's comments, are outraged, and want him to resign.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

President Obama Slams Republicans and They Deserve It.

What is in the hell is wrong with the Republicans?  They just keep trying to destroy our country and they just don't care about the American People.  How can anyone ever put another Republican back in office after their failed leadership and the destruction of our economy?  I do not ever want to go back to what have happened during Bush and his Gang years. 

President Obama Slams Republicans with good cause.  This time they have disrupted the money that over 7 million people need to live on because of the "Failed Republicans Policies".  One thing for sure the Republicans are keeping to their agenda "Make Obama Fail" and they don't care who they hurt and what lies they have to tell during the process.  The Democrats are not perfect but they sure in the hell are not destroying this country or the people.  President Obama has done nothing but good for this country and the Republicans have done nothing but destroy our country and the people.  Time to get President Obama the tools he needs to fix our country, get rid of the Republicans in November and replace them with Democrats or Independents, but No Republicans.

President Obama Slams the Republicans

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Republicans Are A Disgrace to Our Country

Every time I look at what is going wrong in our country it turns up to be the results of Republican failed policies.  Then they blame everyone in the Democratic Party and at the same time they try to scare people that the Democrats are send us down to destruction.  The fact of the matter the destruction was caused by Republicans of the last eight years while President George Bush and his gang was in office.

The Wall Street failure, Auto Industry failure, highest home foreclosure's in history, failure of government enforcement for 911, failure of enforcement of mining regulations, and now the failure of enforcement of oil regulations and special treatment to the oil industry.  The Republicans only agenda is making President Obama fail.  This is treason in my opinion and the Republicans should be tried as such. 

President Obama has done everything possible to do the right things when it comes to helping out the people of America with Health Care, help keeping America from going totally under from failed Republican policies, trying to get America back on top with the rest of the world which he has, and many more things.

The question is if you know that the Republicans have failed and you are out of a job, you have been impacted by having someone die in an mining accident or oil accident, 911, or had lost money in the stock market, had a home foreclosed, and even more why would you ever want another Republican back in office?

After all of these failures I will not ever vote or support another Republican for office of anything for that matter and neither should you.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Republicans Great Act "Greed"

Republicans again show the leadership that the American People do not need. In this case letting, the big oil companies get their way by not making it mandatory for emergency blowout valves on oil rigs out at sea as other countries require. Instead the Republicans let it go because of the big money poured into the Republican Party by oil companies and now look at the results, the spilling of oil into the Gulf.
The total limit of liability for the oil companies as of this moment is 75 or 775 million dollars which is most likely has reached its limits. Members of Congress are thinking to raise it to 10 Billion Dollars but that in its self is way below the cost of cleanup when some experts estimate that the cost will exceed 16 Billion Dollars. The real costs will never be accounted for because of the damage that we cannot see or estimate.
The question is not when but if Congress will ever get it about offshore drilling. There will always be accidents in oil rig drilling and in Nuclear Plants when cost is the most important factor over safety. Congress is only concerned about the donations and getting elected again to keep the high salary, excellent Health Care which all Republicans voted down for all Americans, and the power of the office.
The Republicans very same thinking of Wall Street Reform will bring down Wall Street Reform just like it brought down Health Care Reform. How much damage do you really want to see before you understand that this batch of Republicans is bad for America?

All of the decisions that the Republicans have made in the past nine years have brought our country down and disabled our economy. Their agenda of destroy the Obama Administration is very bad for our country. President Obama has asked the Republicans time over and over again to help but they flat out refuse to do. I really would like to know what drugs the Republicans are on. On one in their right mind would ever do the things that they been doing over the past year and a half.
These are all very good reasons to vote for Kendrick Meek for Florida Senator, Alex Sink for Florida Governor, Dave Aronburg for Attorney General, and any other Democrat for office. There are the Independents which there are some good ones that I do not know but Charlie Crist is one of them. I will not be voting for him because he will not help you if you e-mail him and ask for help. I have corruption documents proving corruption here in Florida and Charlie Crist will do nothing about it after he says that he will fight corruption. That is a flat out lie. I have contacted him many times and he refuses to do anything about it, in fact, he has not even looked at any of the papers that I have. If you were interested in fighting corruption and someone said he/she has proof of corruption here in Florida I would have sent some over to at least look at what that person has. Charlie Crist has done nothing.
The fact is one day I e-mail Dave Aronburg by mistake and he even responded to me personally. Then I told him about the corruption and he is having one of his assistant helping me. This is a very good reason why I am voting for Dave Aronburg for Attorney General. We need more people like Dave Aronburg that are interested in helping the people of Florida instead of helping their own careers. Helping people will help their careers in the long run. I cannot get a Republican to help anyone except themselves.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Should Floridian be Forced Into Obamacare? This Flat Out Wrong

I opened up my site today and saw this advertisement "Should Floridians be Forced Into Obamacare?” This ad is being paid for by Republican Rick Scott for Florida Governor. Rick Scott, The founder of Conservatives for Patients’ Rights, a national media campaign that aimed to defeat health care reform legislation.

His whole objective is to defeat Health Care Reform because he knows that Health Care Reform will dig into his bottom line of take home pay. He does not want Health Care Reform for the working people when they are paying high insurance rates and getting less and less insurance coverage.

Rick Scott is telling lies just like the rest of the Republicans in office. One of his advertisement is telling us that we need to change the people in office and I totally agree with him on that one, I mean, change to Democrats and remove all Republicans.

First of all you are not made to buy Health Care Insurance, period. This is a myth and needs to be stopped. If you do not have Health Care Insurance you will be taxed higher, just like you would be if you made a lot of money, you move up in the tax bracket. After all, if you do not buy insurance, then you are making more money and you are taxed on that money. This Health Care Reform is also making it easier for businesses that want to get insurance for their employees in which you would have insurance and this would not affect you anyway.

Republicans do not want bigger government but everything that they do is bigger government. The Republicans pushed through Homeland Security, which is the largest expansion of government in history. They squandered our surplus into a trillion dollar deflect. They got us into two wars that could have been stop before it started but refused to so. The Republicans lied to the American People over and over again to get us into the War with Iraq.

Every time I hear a Republican on the news, I just about get sick listening to them telling us how bad the Democrats have acted and it is bad for our country. The real fact is the Republicans have destroyed our country and President Obama is bringing it back. People are now being helped with Health Care, the Economy is coming back, we are ending the wars, Wall Street will be accountable soon, and much more. President Obama is and has been for the people of America. Being for the People of America means disrupting the money that the Republicans have been making off of the American Corporations which is one of their objectives and a second is to make President Obama fail at any and all costs. If President Obama fails, then the Republican Party will take over the power of our government. That is their thinking, but the real lost is the American People.

When Republicans were in office they got us into two wars, job losses, auto company failures, bank failures, home foreclosures, and much more. This was a disgrace for our country and I do not want to be part of this type of government behavior anymore. The Republicans actually destroyed the US and are still trying to destroy it even more.

Lies like this ad and more from the Republicans have got to be stopped and with your help by voting all Republicans out of office in 2010 and even more out of office in 2012.

A good start is to vote for Alex Sink for Florida Governor, Kendrick Meek for Florida Senator.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moving State Funds Should be Illegal

As I was going through the news I ran across an article from Florida Capital News called "Legislature Raids Trust Fund" Transportation money will be used to help plug budget shortfall by Jim Ash and I was thinking that Florida Republican Congress has already messed the Florida Budget up so bad that it is a wonder if anyone can figure it like it suppose be. They have routed and rerouted money in every direction but the right way, toward making a good solid future decision for the State of Florida.
If there and not if but is a tax of 12 cents per gallon for road repairs it is suppose to go to road repair and nothing else. Now the Republicans want and have made a decision of taking that money and using it on other things, I would say things as salaries and insurance for congress.
There were four hundred people going through Halls of the Capital to argue that road building is the best recession-fighting fuel just to find out that congress had already made a deal to move the money to fill other gaps in the budget. This is wrong, another late night backroom deal without letting the people know what is going on in our Capital until after all is done and over. This is the way Republicans have and still are trying to destroy our country.
Rep. Gary Aubuchon, R-Naples said "Once again, that's one of the hard choices we face with a budget that cannot meet all of our needs or desires," which is not a hard decision because they should not have been there looking in the first place. The money was to fix roads and only roads and not there to fill any gaps in the budget. Republicans always make things look good for them which has to be stopped.
Bob Burleson, president of Florida Transportation Builder’s Association, (FTBA), predicted that the legislative decision will cost Florida 11,000 jobs. This means more people out of work when there is no work in the first place. Republicans have their heads up their butts and no way to remove them when they make decisions like moving money from one area to another, like stealing from Peter to pay Paul, flat out wrong.

Then you have another Republican, Jeff Atwater, who knew the deal was a done deal and never brought it up in front of the people that were there to protest the money being moved out of the Transportation Budget to cover other expenses, which is also wrong. Why would anyone want to put these types of people back in office is beyond me.

Atwater said the Senate would fight to preserve the trust fund and create jobs. "We just won't stand for that," Atwater said. This is a bunch of bull since they have already made the deal to move the money and he knows this but trying to cover his butt and confuse the people for Florida hoping that they will forget or some other ridiculous situation comes up first to take its place.

Jeff Atwater said "In this process, it's about finding common ground and give and take,”. and this is wrong. This is a common statement from many politicians that should be removed from their vocabulary. All this means is that they have been doing things wrong in the first place. They put the common ground in because that way they can add things to a bill that has nothing to with that particular bill just to get votes for the bill. A bill is either good, bad or just needs to be improved and not meant to be compromised. They should consider only putting in a bill what the bill is related to only that bill and not add anything that is not related to it at all. An good example was the with the Federal Government on Health Care Reform Bill when they added the Education section to Health Care which should not have been there in the first place. Health Care Bill should be only Health Care and Education should be education only. Even though in this case it was good for the country but in many cases it is bad and the people never know about it until it is too late.

My suggestion would be eliminate congress salaries and insurance until they get Florida back on track where it is suppose to be, very good jobs, excellent education, excellent Health Care for all, no more backroom deals in congress or any other government agency.
Call your Representative and tell them not to steal from Peter to pay Paul, period. This is a bad policy and should have never been put in place.

It is time to replace all Republicans in the next election.  In my area it should be Alex Sink for Governor, and Kendrick Meek for Senator.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Crist requests probe of GOP `mess'


Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau

TALLAHASSEE -- Gov. Charlie Crist asked federal authorities Friday to investigate the Republican Party of Florida amid growing concerns about secret deals and misspent money.
``It's a mess,'' he said. ``This thing stinks.''
In an interview, Crist said the U.S. attorney's office needs to take over the criminal investigation of former Chairman Jim Greer and examine the use of party credit cards by top GOP lawmakers.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/04/02/1561100/crist-requests-probe-of-gop-mess.html#ixzz0k1ZegXg6

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann ripping Republican Rubio and I don't blame him. He deserved it.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Letter to Jim DeMint by Luis C. Isaza

As I was doing my research as I do every day I went to my favorites on my toolbar and went to Food for Thought. I haven't been there for awhile so I thought that I would check it out and see what Luis had to say.  There was a letter to Jim DeMint written by Luis C. Isaza. I thought that you should read the letter for yourself. The article is Good Morning, Rep. Jim DeMint. I think Luis did a very good job at explaining my thoughts on Jim DeMint and every Republican that voted against Health Care Reform and who wants to bring President Obama down. President Obama has done nothing but good for the working people, the senior citizens, and the normal American People.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thank You Republicans for Health Care and More

If you do not like the Health Care Reform Bill the way it is then thank the Republicans. That’s right, thank each and every Republican because they decided to destroy President Obama instead of putting together a good Health Care Reform Bill like the American People wanted and needed because of greedy insurance companies.

Yes this bill could have been better but the Republicans could and should have worked with the Democrats to make this bill better. The Republicans were and are trying to destroy our country to worry about what is good for the United States. They say that they want Health Care Reform but as you have seen and can see that they are flat out lying. President Obama had many times tried to get the Republicans to help but they flat out refused even when their own parts of the plan were included. Anything and everything that the President agreed on that the Republicans included in the plan then the Republicans would then disagree even when it was their own idea. This is a disgrace and proves that the Republicans have no interest in improving America for the working people of America.

For those people that think Medicaid or Medicare does not work because they are still paying out-of-pocket expenses, what would the out-of-pocket be if they did not have Medicare or Medicaid? They would either be dead or totally broke without any coverage at all. Medicare or Medicaid is not perfect, but is a lot better for America than have to depend on selfish insurance companies. Yes, Medicaid and Medicare need improvements which are on the way, which by the way Republicans refused to do.

The Health Care Reform Bill is not about the people that are going to abuse the system but about the people that come down with an illness or one of their family members comes down with an illness or get into an accident. Accidents and Illnesses happen to people all of the time and with this Health Care Reform Bill it will help keep them from losing everything they own and will help them mentally when a crisis happen. There will always be people that will try to abuse the system and there will always be people that think that the system will cost them or does not work at all.

For the people that think that the system won’t work, then why does it work in Canada, Spain and across Europe? Yes, Canada has people come to the United States for Medical Services just as people from the United States go to Canada for Medical Services. Most people in Canada are proud of insurance that the country provides. The same with the people from Spain are happy with their single payer. Some people think that we will end up like some European Countries and I hope so because United States is now number 37 on the list of best Medical Services out of all the countries listed. This is not acceptable for the American People.

The Republicans lied about the wars they got us into and again about Health Care Reform that they are trying to defeat. For those people that think that Social Security is going broke, then again, you should thank the Republicans because they are the ones that got us into two wars where billions of dollars are going that could help out help out Social Security and all other programs that our government works with. All of our money is going to help people in other countries instead of helping our own. By the way the Insurance companies spent over 200 million dollars trying to defeat the Health Care Reform and the Republicans has received a lot of that money and are still receiving it for their campaigns.

And yes I think that this Health Care Reform Bill will not bring costs down but this is only a start. I do believe that the only way to bring down cost is to have a Public Options. The Public Option, I hope, will be added a little later. The Public Option is the only way to bring down the cost for all Americans buying insurance and bring in better care from all from insurance companies. The Public Option is the most wanted part of Health Care Reform but was left out of the bill because of the lies that were being spread by the Republicans.

The people think that they are in the middle class and think that this bill will hurt them by costing more is just flat out wrong. This bill will reduce costs for them because Health Care Insurance companies will not be able to raise your rate without the risk of losing you as a paying customer to another insurance company which the price is lower or have better service or both. Insurance companies have spent over 200 million dollars trying to defeat this Health Care Reform Bill and where do you think this money came from? The money and the big corporate bonuses came from overcharging and underpaying on coverage for their customers, which are, you the middle class.

The people that think that the Health Care Reform Bill will cost billions of dollars more are just misinformed by the Republicans with more of their lies. They have been spreading these lies even before the Health Care Reform Bill was even cost out. The Republicans have been spreading these lies even before the bill ever finish. You cannot have a cost factor until the bill is totally finished. The Republicans started theses lies so they can stir an uproar before the bill was ever finish to get support to defeat the Health Care Reform Bill so the Obama administration will fail, which is their overall plan, do whatever it takes to make Obama fail. The fact is that it will save billions of dollars on the U.S. deficit over the next ten years and even more money over the following ten years. This means that the will shrink and eventfully reduce the deficit back to a surplus before the Republicans got in office. You can thank the Republicans again for such failure for our budget.

The car industry failure is also of Republican doings along with the employment collapse. If the Republicans have done their job in the first place we would not have the high unemployment, we would not have high insurances rates, we would not have insurance companies dropping people for pre-existing illnesses, we would not have so many people without insurance, and much more. Thank you, Republicans, for all of that.

Paying for Health Care Reform is no different than paying for Schools, Police, Fire, Public Transportation, and even more when you don’t use it. I do not use the Police, Fire, Public Transportation and more of everyday services provided by the United States everyday or have I ever used some of the services provided by the United States Government but I am glad that they are there if and when I would ever need them. I still have to pay for them anyway if I use them or not. Don’t forget about the way the Republicans handled Katrina which people are still looking for help that was there when needed, under Republican control. Thank the Republicans for that mess, too. Every time the Republicans have the power to do something great for the country it is always about ripping the American people off and lining their own pockets. The Republicans are out for themselves and only themselves. History and present day actions prove this to be true.

There are a lot of other countries who are doing better than we are with their people's healthcare. It's time for us to do something about our broken system and if you agree, but just disagree with this bill, then you should have focused your time on the Republicans and demanded that they do something to save our healthcare system, because it's crystal clear that the Republicans have drawn a line in the sand protecting the status quo of our current healthcare system, and that's unacceptable to me and it should be to you.

I think that in November the people should be at the voting poles eliminating the each and every Republican that is in office today. They are a total disgrace to the Republican Party and to themselves and are doing more damage our country than any terrorist has or ever will.

Thank You Republicans for the wars that we should not be in, the high employment rate, the financial failures, auto industry failure, and there is so much more that I want to thank you for only if I knew what they are.