Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Results of the "No Party"

Give Thanks to the Republicans for the Insurance Rate Increase. The Republicans have disrupted Health Care Reform, lied about its contents, and don't believe that they are killing people with their misconduct.

The first week of February Melanie Shouse died a devoted MoveOn Council leader in St. Louis and tireless health care advocate, passed away after a battle with breast cancer.

Melanie was a true fighter. While she was involved in many issues with MoveOn, she always said health care was her heart—and even after treatments began; she came to every single health care rally, speaking out about the injustices she was suffering under our broken health care system.

Melanie's story is a painful reminder of why we need to fight as hard as we can to get real health care reform passed, now. The Republicans and the insurance companies “Just Don’t Care”. What they care about is to make the President and our country fail, period.

Ever since February of 2009 the Republican Party when President Obama has a plan to create or save 3 million jobs, did you hear what Rush Limbaugh said? "I hope he fails."1 Limbaugh might just get his way: he already helped convince every single House Republican to vote against the bill.

The Republicans stood behind Rush Limbaugh and have voted against Health Care Reform, have lied about Health Care Reform, and have disrupted Health Care Reform along with disrupting the Jobs Bill of getting America back on track for Jobs. The Wars, the Stimulus, Jobs and Health Care Reform all have been destroyed by the Republican Party. The Republicans destroyed this country by running us into the ground when they were in power by getting us into two wars, (which the American people were lied to and should not have ever been in), creating the largest financial collapse almost of all times, creating more unemployment of more than 25 years, and then voting against anything that would help the country and depleting our National Deficit.

Now it is time to “Fire the Party of “No” in the next election coming up in November 2010.

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