Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Republican Multiple Choice

I just can’t make up my mind – which Republican statement from the week so far was the most embarrassing? Sure, John Boehner threw out some gems, but let’s not minimize the contributions from Kentucky and Illinois Senate candidates Rand Paul and Mark Kirk, who have both shown great promise in this particular field. Here are your choices, please feel free to vote in the comments, or to suggest write-in candidates of your own:

A) John Boehner lamenting that “They’re snuffing out the America that I grew up in.” Since he was born in 1949, one can only conclude that he pines for the good ol’ days before Roe v. Wade, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act and the Clean Water Act came along and spoiled everything.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Ed Shultz on the Very "Bad Senate" or "Very Bad Republicans"

Ed Shultz on the Very "Bad Senate" or "Very Bad Republicans"

Do Republicans actually want America to fail?

Tomorrow, more than a million people who've been out of work for six months or more will lose unemployment benefits, because Senate Republicans and theoretical Democrat Ben Nelson joined together to block an already too-small package of half-measures designed to provide some modicum of help for the nation's millions of jobless people.
The vote was 57-41. Oddly, the side with 41 votes actually won. Because that is how the Founders wanted things to not work in this god-blessed nation.
Hundreds of thousands of public- and private-sector employees will also soon to joint he ranks of the unemployed (and hope they don't become the long-term unemployed, because no one much seems to care about them), because the bill could not be made quite weak and ineffective enough to win the support of the only two "moderate" Republicans alive (two women from Maine who never actually act on their "moderate" beliefs).

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Simpson thinks some Americans are "lesser people"

Caught on Video
The Republicans all think the same way about the America People which think that the American People are idiots.  What will it take for the American to see that the Republicans are the very same people that created the mess that we are in now? 

Simpson thinks some Americans are "lesser people"
You probably know a lot of good people who depend on their Social Security check. Who count every penny. Hard-working folks who have contributed their whole lives and now need those checks.
Sen. Simpson thinks they're "lesser people." And he's joining with the other right-wing ideologues on the deficit commission to find a way to cut Social Security for those "lesser people"--even though Social Security hasn't caused the deficit.
Check out the video and then send Sen. Simpson the message that he needs to resign by clicking below. Then pass on the video to your friends.
Click here to email the commission. Use your own words and be respectful, but make it clear that you saw Sen. Simpson's comments, are outraged, and want him to resign.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

President Obama Slams Republicans and They Deserve It.

What is in the hell is wrong with the Republicans?  They just keep trying to destroy our country and they just don't care about the American People.  How can anyone ever put another Republican back in office after their failed leadership and the destruction of our economy?  I do not ever want to go back to what have happened during Bush and his Gang years. 

President Obama Slams Republicans with good cause.  This time they have disrupted the money that over 7 million people need to live on because of the "Failed Republicans Policies".  One thing for sure the Republicans are keeping to their agenda "Make Obama Fail" and they don't care who they hurt and what lies they have to tell during the process.  The Democrats are not perfect but they sure in the hell are not destroying this country or the people.  President Obama has done nothing but good for this country and the Republicans have done nothing but destroy our country and the people.  Time to get President Obama the tools he needs to fix our country, get rid of the Republicans in November and replace them with Democrats or Independents, but No Republicans.

President Obama Slams the Republicans

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Republicans Are A Disgrace to Our Country

Every time I look at what is going wrong in our country it turns up to be the results of Republican failed policies.  Then they blame everyone in the Democratic Party and at the same time they try to scare people that the Democrats are send us down to destruction.  The fact of the matter the destruction was caused by Republicans of the last eight years while President George Bush and his gang was in office.

The Wall Street failure, Auto Industry failure, highest home foreclosure's in history, failure of government enforcement for 911, failure of enforcement of mining regulations, and now the failure of enforcement of oil regulations and special treatment to the oil industry.  The Republicans only agenda is making President Obama fail.  This is treason in my opinion and the Republicans should be tried as such. 

President Obama has done everything possible to do the right things when it comes to helping out the people of America with Health Care, help keeping America from going totally under from failed Republican policies, trying to get America back on top with the rest of the world which he has, and many more things.

The question is if you know that the Republicans have failed and you are out of a job, you have been impacted by having someone die in an mining accident or oil accident, 911, or had lost money in the stock market, had a home foreclosed, and even more why would you ever want another Republican back in office?

After all of these failures I will not ever vote or support another Republican for office of anything for that matter and neither should you.