Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Keith Olbermann talks to Bernie Sanders About a Very Bad Deal for the American People

Keith Olbermann talks ot Bernie Sanders

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Grit TV - Health Care Reform Battle Begins

As Republican freshmen head to Congress, many of them are riding a wave of promises to repeal "Obamacare." As Jamie Court noted on our show last week, one of the most unpopular elements of the bill is the mandate that Americans purchase private health insurance. But Wendell Potter, former health insurance industry insider, notes that that is the part of the bill that is most popular with the insurance companies that bankrolled those same Republicans.

Donna Smith of National Nurses United (and of Michael Moore's health care film Sicko) asks, meanwhile, if there's any value at all created by the private health care industry. We try to answer that question with Donna and Wendell in our studio, as well as the question of what luck Republicans will have with repeal, and what can be done on a state level

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